Monday, July 25, 2011

Power OF Orange

Orange, the most common citrus fruit and healthy to core which is a store house of beneficial vitamins and nutrients. One orange contains 116.2 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin C. It helps to fights free radicals and prevents cell damage. Vitamin C is more associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer and with reduced severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals. It helps prevent oxidation of cholesterol and also vital for the proper function of the immune system and helps prevent colds and recurrent ear infections. Oranges contain a wide variety of phytonutrient compounds and thus combined with vitamin C, work as effective anti-oxidants.

Citrus is most effective against mouth, larynx and pharynx and stomach cancers. Orange contains folate content that protects against heart disease and stroke.
The compounds found in the citrus fruit peels help lower cholesterol more effectively than some prescription drugs.

Oranges contain large amounts of fibre, one orange provides 12.5 per cent of the daily requirement of fibre which reduces high cholesterol levels. The fibre in oranges helps to reduce constipation or diarrhea and fructose in oranges also helps keep blood sugar levels from rising after eating. Orange juice is helpful in preventing kidney stones and relieving inflammation.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The best ways to manage a fruit allergy

Healthy eating fruits has become trendier nowadays. But some peoples may get allergies to some fruits. Some of the fruits that are known to cause allergies are Apricots, bananas, cherries, kiwis, melons, papayas, peaches, pineapples, plums, and strawberries.

Here the best ways to manage a fruit allergy:

  • Allergic reactions normally occur when the fruits are raw. When the fruits are cooked, canned, micro waved, processed, baked, or heated, the allergic effects are reduced.
    The most allergenic part of the fruit is the skin. Someone who is allergic to fruits such as peaches can eat the flesh without trouble, if the skin is peeled away.
  • Freshly picked apples, or unripe apples, might cause milder allergic reactions versus apples that are stored for weeks after picking.
  • So the best thing that can be done is simply to avoid the fresh fruits that give you allergies.
  • To supplement the nutritional aspects of your diet, surrogate with other fruits such as grapes, currants, gooseberries, guava, mango, figs, avocado, persimmon, and pomegranates. Consult any healthcare provider to suggest other healthy alternatives.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Facts Of Japanese Wineberry

Facts Of Japanese Wineberry (Rubus phoenicolasius)

It’s a delicious wineberry and unusual berry that’s no more difficult to grow than a raspberry.

The wineberry is native to Korea, China and Japan. The vigorous deciduous shrub grows up to 8-10ft tall. It’s perfect for growing against a fence. It produces large trusses of sweet orange red to dark red berries of delicious flavor.

The stems are grown up well in winter, usually when sunlight strikes them. It is biennial as like raspberry where the canes grow one year and fruit the next. It consists of emerald green leaves that grow up to 18cm long. It composed of three, coarsely toothed, rounded, ovate or heart-shaped leaflets.

In early summer it produces small, star-like, whitish-pink and self-fertile flowers. In early August it produces small, glistening, conical and orange-red fruit. These fruits are almost surrounded by the calyx until they are ripe. You can possibly cook them in the same way as like raspberries.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rambutan Health Facts

  • Rambutan fruits have only less calories but rich in sugar likely fructose and sucrose.
  • Rambutan is rich in vitamin C. It helps to prevents body cells from being damaged by free radicals and helps the absorption of iron.
  • Rambutans roots and leaves have various uses in the production of dyes and drugs. Skin and stem contains tannin, saponin, flavonida, pectic substances, and iron
  • Rambutan fruit functions as an excellent iron source. It promotes the correct amount of oxygen, which help stop the dizziness and fatigue due to anemia, an illness caused by low iron.

Nutrition Facts
Calories 123
Total Fat 0.3 g
Saturated Fat 0.0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 17 mg
Total Carbohydrates 31.3 g
Dietary Fiber 1.4 g
Protein 1.0 g